Security Online

Secure online shopping at Vehicle-Spares.com

We are committed to making shopping online at Vehicle-Spares.com safe and secure and we take your security extremely seriously.

How to find out if a website is safe and secure

When you shop online at Vehicle-Spares.com your browser will automatically go into secure mode and show a green padlock at the left hand side of the address bar. You should see the word "Secure" in green next to the padlock in Google Chrome. In Safari you will see a grey padlock. The website address will also start with HTTPS:// instead of HTTP://. The additional "S" stands for Secure. All of these indicate that the webpage is considered secure, and all information sent via that page is encrypted.

Secure website address bar example SSL

Our website is secure which means all your details are encrypted. This creates a secret with billions of combinations to protect each action sent and received on our site, so your personal information cannot be viewed by anyone else using the Internet.

SSL Secure logo

The Vehicle-Spares.com website only accepts information sent using Secure Socket Layer (SSL). This technology prevents you from inadvertently revealing personal information using an insecure connection.

SSL Secure logo

The Vehicle-Spares.com website will never see or process your card details. All card details are sent directly from your browser to our trusted payment processor over a secure, encrypted communication channel. This is done using the same methods described above.